You labelled me a child another little
Pawn, you labelled me a kid and sent
Me off to school, you labelled me a 
Pupil another little fool, you labelled 
Me religious and sent me off to mass,
You labelled me a moron a stupid little
Ass, you labelled me a student a spotty
Little brat, you labelled me an animal,
Compared me with a rat, you labelled 
Me an adult and sent me out to work,
You labelled me a taxpayer an
Imbercillic burk, you labelled me 
Working class īcos of the job I did, you
Labelled me middle class when I earnt 
An extra quid, you labelled me for long
Enough so now its my turn, you
Labelled me too many things so Iīm
Gonna make you learn, you labelled 
Me a punk rocker īcos thatīs what I
Chose to be, you labelled me an 
Anarchist īcos I believe in anarchy